Jeff Nachtigall

Jeff Nachtigall is a first generation Canadian who was born and raised in Saskatchewan. Nachtigall is well versed in the art world, his style evolving as he evolves in life. Most recently, Nachtigall moved to a rustic cabin in the Canadian wilderness. His newer pieces explore the merging of Canadian nostalgia, modernism, art brut, and German expressionism (a nod to his German refugee father) through large scale mixed media painting.



Jeff Nachtigall’s work examines popular culture narratives that permeate the contemporary zeitgeist. Play is a cornerstone of his practice and often masks a subversive message that both mirrors and critiques the politics of our time.

His unapologetic approach is both sardonic and philosophical, firing a warning shot over the bow of ideological fixations. An acquired brain injury in his early teens altered his brain, resulting in a disinhibition that has seen his work both celebrated and censored.

Formalism collides with a punk rock sensibility. His pop culture mash-ups explore the liminal space between the natural and built environment. The animal kingdom acts as our proxy, as his paintings are noticeably devoid of the human figure, replaced by a colourful bestiary cavorting in fantastic landscapes that echo scenes from speculative fiction.
Pragmatism is key to his methodology as he employs an egalitarian approach to materials, subject matter, and mark making; disregarding and challenging traditional and historical art world hierarchies. These high and low art sensibilities converge resulting in nonlinear narratives that engage the viewer as an active participant, asking them to complete the conversation that the painting begins.



Ruben Tomas


Lucas Biagini