Sean Mundy

Sean Mundy (born 1991, Montréal, Canada) creates conceptual imagery through photography and digital manipulation. Primarily self-taught, he began photography by shooting his everyday life with friends and concerts for online publications, then turned to more creative endeavours where he began focusing on conceptual imagery through self portraiture.

Today, his work focuses on themes of division, isolation, conflict, collectivism, and individualism, using symbolism and the surreal to probe at these themes. His image making process is focused on fabricating scenes through a combination of sketching and pre-planning, then staging, shooting, and digital manipulation, often involving an element of performativity as many images are still self portraits or built up from self portraits which are then digitally manipulated to create the final image.

He has been featured by outlets such as VICE, Flaunt, and Juxtapoz, and has shown work in Canada and internationally in cities such as Paris, Hong Kong, Barcelona, Berlin, Mexico City, and most recent.y in the Asheville Museum of the Art in North Carolina.


Sean Mundy

Working through self-doubt and questions of identity, Sean constructs scenes of palpable tension and uncertainty. With a subtle, minimal approach he aims to disrupt classical narrative formula to form scenarios that are reliant on subjective associations.


Other Works


Peter Wallis
